Blessed are the vulnerable, for they shall be broken. And being so, shall break open the heart of the Universe.
-Quaker Proverb
"When my father died, we needed someone to create a ceremony for his memorial. I knew we would not be in church but still wanted a ceremony that would be spiritual and meaningful. Arissa was generous with her time and​ a wonderfully balanced presence in an otherwise turbulent time. The ceremony she created was poignant, touching and beautiful. Many of our friends said they had never been to a more moving and meaningful tribute.
A year later, we buried my father's ashes and again Arissa officiated. I was again struck by her beautiful voice, calming presence and dignified presentation. She was wonderful, again, and I highly recommend her."
- Cynthia S.
"I want to thank you for the incredible job you did on Friday. It was a good and healing event and I can't imagine anyone better to have sent T off in such an appropriate and authentic way.
Several people asked me afterward how long you had known her, and wouldn't believe me when I told them you didn't. Amazing. Thank you from the bottom of my heart."
- Shawn H.
"The manner in which you so quickly understood where I was, and how we needed to slowly allow grief in and just be with it was so comforting to me and our "inner circle of love and grief". I'm so glad your name came up when I googled "non-denominational funeral" - you were the perfect fit for us. I am sure our paths will cross again. Love, Emelie C."
"I can't possibly thank you enough for all your compassionate support during the most difficult time of my life. Thank you so much for the absolutely beautiful ceremony to lay my dad and uncle to rest! Your incredible insight and ability to so seamlessly pull everything together has truly helped me find personal peace and the strength to move forward with happy memories of Dad."
- Tina C.
"Arissa did a fabulous job and helped make my dad's memorial service special. I appreciated the way that she absorbed my dad's character in a short amount of time. Although I know she officiates many services, she seemed to truly enjoy the music and the stories about my dad. She also set a wonderful tone and kept things moving nicely. I am grateful to Arissa for her contribution to a memorable ceremony for my dad, family and friends."
- Andy E.
"I can't thank you enough for being our Celebrant for mom's service. You have the touch for knowing how to support families and provide a beautiful tribute for loved ones lost. I have recommended you to everyone I have spoken with and know that your services help to provide loving memories whether it be for a funeral, wedding or other."
- Candi P.
"Thank you so much for your help in celebrating our dad's life. You captured his spirit and drive in such a short time and presented him in a true way to his friends and family. We will always be able to reflect on dad's service with wonderful memories!
Your words and kindness will not be forgotten!"
- Kim D. & Kip H.
"After M's memorial, everyone agreed it was perfect. I sent your words about M to a family member and it moved them to tears because it represented him so well. We all appreciate the work you did to make this a pleasant memorial for us."
- S.S.
"Her work is a meditation. Arissa wraps a warm blanket around the grieving soul."
- Barbara B.
"I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciated your contribution to our dad's Celebration of Life ceremony. I thought the event was absolutely wonderful! You are a great listener - that was very evident to me as you unfolded the life of my father on Saturday. All in all, the day was amazing and I will never forget it! Thanks again for your wonderful work."
- Michael M.
"When I close my eyes and imagine Arissa, I see a vessel of grace-filled with love. When she works with families, she listens with open ears and her big heart and holds all the pain and joys. When Arissa responds, I wonder if she has known these people since they were born. Each ceremony is thoughtfully prepared and respectful of those who are grieving. At the same time, her ceremonies celebrate life, the joys and sorrows that were shared with all present."
- Julie G.
"We can't thank you enough for helping us through this difficult time. Your caring and listening to our pain and ambivalence during the family meeting helped us get past our own confusion. Afterward, we sat around talking about how it really helped us to see each other's paths through the same landscape. Thank you again."
- Alison L.
"By asking tender and loving questions that are just right, Arissa hears things others might miss and puts it all together in something like poetry. She is a walking hug."
- Kristine F.
My Philosophy~
I believe rituals are an essential part of life; in them, we discover our humanity. One of the most important things that make us human is our longing to be connected to one another. In looking back over a life, perhaps what stands out most clearly is how each life touches so many others. In coming together to pay tribute to one who has passed on, we feel both the depth of our sadness and loss, but also the strength of our bonds. As we share memories, stories, tears and laughter together, we see the way in which we are all connected through love, a force that continues long after physical death.
A funeral, memorial or life tribute is the beginning of the journey for those remaining. How it is undertaken, whether or not people feel heard and respected, whether or not they feel included and invited to participate, can either start them in the direction of healing or lead to more pain and frustration. With each family, I strive to always listen deeply to their needs and create a ceremony that is authentic, unique and full of heart.
Arissa is a Celebrant, Officiant and Non-denominational Minister in Seattle providing custom memorial, funeral, life tribute, graveside services. She serves all families - non-religious, secular, spiritual as well as all faiths.
She has been trained as a Death Midwife & Home Funeral Guide through Final Passages -https://finalpassages.org/
Served as a grief counselor through Providence Hospice of Seattle -https://www.providence.org/locations/wa/hospice-of-seattle/grief-support-services
And sang songs of comfort to the dying and their families with the Threshold Choir -
Arissa may also be found at https://aweddingwithheart.com/